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Which of the following scenarios BEST defines phishing?
A. A user receives an email from a friend to download a picture but the file format ends in .exe.
B. A user receives a pop-up message about a virus from a company that states that if they buy this product it will remove the virus.
C. A user receives a message about unwanted activity from their antivirus asking to remove the suspect file.
D. A user receives an email from a person in another country with a story as to why they need help with a financial arrangement.
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A technician is reconfiguring an email account for off-line mode. Which of the following will describe the expected time of account synchronization with the email server?
A. It will depend on the SMTP settings of the email server.
B. It will depend on the time when the account was last synchronized.
C. It will depend on the POP settings of the email server.
D. There is no off-line mode for email.
How to pass the newest 220-902 exam? What are the new questions of the latest 220-902 exam? PassLeader 220-902 VCE dumps and 220-902 PDF dumps will tell you all about the 220-902 exam. For all PassLeader’s 1219q 220-902 exam questions are the newest and covered all new added questions and answers, which will help you 100% passing 220-902 exam. And we PassLeader will continue updating 220-902 exam questions and answers, you will never fail the 220-902 exam. Hurry up and get the free VCE simulator with your premium 220-902 VCE dumps from now!
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A technician recently removed spyware from a computer and now the user is getting error messages about system files. Which of the following tools would a technician use to verify all system files are intact and in their original versions?
A. Repair Disk