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A user has a perimeter firewall and up-to-date antivirus software. The user is asking what else they can do to improve their security. Which of the following will have the MOST impact on network security? (Select TWO).
A. Install additional antivirus software
B. Disable screen savers
C. Conduct a daily security audit
D. Assign security rights based on job roles
E. Use strong passwords
Want to 100% pass your 220-902 exam? Why not trying PassLeader’s 220-902 VCE dumps and 220-902 PDF dumps? We PassLeader now are offering the accurate 1219q 220-902 exam questions and answers, you can get all the real exam questions from our 220-902 exam dumps. All our 1219q 220-902 practice tests are the newest and same with the real test. We ensure that you can pass 220-902 exam easily with our premium 220-902 study guide! Now visit to get the valid 220-902 braindumps with free version VCE simulator!
p.s. Free 220-902 Exam Dumps Collection On Google Drive:
A user, Ann, reports that her computer is able to connect to devices on her local network but not on the remote office network. Ann’s computer shows the following ipconfig information:
IP address:
DNS server 1:
DNS server 2:
Which of the following is the cause of the problem?
A. DNS server 2 is set incorrectly.
B. DNS server 1 is set incorrectly.
C. IP address is set incorrectly.
D. Gateway is set incorrectly.
Passed 220-902 exam with the best PassLeader 220-902 exam dumps now! PassLeader are supplying the newest 1219q 220-902 VCE dumps and PDF dumps, which cover all the new 220-902 questions and answers, it is 100 percent pass ensure for 220-902 exam. PassLeader offer PDF and VCE format 220-902 exam dumps, and free version VCE simulator is also available. Visit now and download the 100 percent passing guarantee 1219q 220-902 braindumps to achieve your 220-902 certification exam easily!
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Which of the following is an example of client-side virtualization?
A. Compatibility mode on a program icon properties menu
B. Running a DOS application on a Windows 7 32-bit operating system
C. Cloud hosted office applications
D. XP mode running in Windows 7 64-bit operating system
The latest 220-902 exam was updated with a lot of new exam questions, old version 220-902 exam dumps are not valid at all, you should get the newest 1219q 220-902 practice tests or 220-902 braindumps to prepare for 220-902 exam. Now, PassLeader just published the new 220-902 exam questions with PDF dumps and VCE dumps, which have been corrected with many new questions and will help you passing 220-902 exam easily. Visit now and get the premium 1219q 220-902 exam dumps with valid version VCE simulator for free.
p.s. Free 220-902 Exam Dumps Collection On Google Drive:
Which of the following features allows for easier navigation of long lists on a tablet device?
A. Pinch-zoom
B. Multitouch
C. Scrollbars
D. Touch flow